If you own a start-up or small business, you are already very aware of how important it is to minimize your expenses. From insurance to stationary, it is essential to save every penny that you possibly can. One of the largest expenses that every business owner will face eventually is rent. For some small businesses, it isn’t always financially feasible to rent office space. That is precisely why we provide virtual office space at an affordable price. That helps businesses receive all of the benefits and perks that professional office space offers, without having to be tied down to bills and rent.
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If you own a start-up or small business, you are already very aware of how important it is to minimize your expenses. From insurance to stationary, it is essential to save every penny that you possibly can. One of the largest expenses that every business owner will face eventually is rent. For some small businesses, it isn’t always financially feasible to rent office space. That is precisely why we provide virtual office space at an affordable price. That helps businesses receive all of the benefits and perks that professional office space offers, without having to be tied down to bills and rent.
First of all, what is virtual office space exactly and how does the process work?
What virtual office space does is provide small businesses with complete access to PA and admin facilities along with a professional address without needing to pay rent. What the ‘virtual’ aspect literally means is that you are able to benefit from all of the office essentials at half the price of what it would cost to rent a full office. If you are trying to minimize your expenses this is especially good news.
What key benefits does Virtual Office space provide to small businesses in addition to keeping costs down?
Post-handling service and professional address
One key benefit that virtual office space provides is a professional address. You can use this mail forwarding address on all of your business mail and correspondence. This will help to build trust and reassure your customers. Our efficient mail forward service also means that you receive your mail in a timely fashion.
City-centre location without rent
Another excellent benefit that virtual office space provides is that your small business will have a city-centre address without needing to pay high rent prices. A city centre address can be used for receiving phone calls and mail and to impress clients, without having the major expenses of insurance, bills and rent. It’s hard to imagine what else small business owners could possibly want. More about Registered Office
Pay-as-you-go PA support
During the initial stages of getting your business launched, we completely understand that it isn’t always an affordable option to hire and pay employees. However, we are also very aware of how helpful it can be to have the extra help. We have pay-as-you-go personal assistants that are available for you. They will always be there to help you whenever you have receptionist, mail forwarding or admin needs.
Cut down on your commute time
When you have virtual office space, you won’t need to waste your value time stuck in rush hour traffic. You won’t have to commute to the office on a daily basis. You can work from whatever location suits you the best. That helps to lower your fuel cost and free up more time for working on your business.
Meeting rooms are available on demand
Do you have a client meeting coming up? Do you need office space to get together with your team? State-of-the-art meeting rooms are available from Anvic at all four of our locations in Burnley and Manchester. You just pay for using the room whenever you need it. The best thing about our meeting rooms is that they are available at a discounted price along with an extra 2 hours of free use each month.
Low set-up costs
From purchasing office plants, desks and computers, to supplying milk, coffee and tea each week- it can be expensive to set an office up. Your small business will be able to take complete advantage of all of the benefits that a virtual office space provides, without having to face high set-up costs. Since the fees for amenities and services are shared between several customers, it allows your small business to focus on earning money instead of wasting it.
Completely Flexible
The phone is often the lifeline for many small businesses. You can’t afford to miss meeting opportunities or client calls. Another great benefit that a virtual office provides to your small business is it gives you access to a dedicated receptionist service. We will take care of all of your important messages and calls, which gives you complete flexibility to work on all aspects of your business.